Our Mission

Our mission is to protect, preserve, and rehabilitate prime examples of our swiftly vanishing Texas prairies in order to keep them as precious open spaces of immense wildlife, environmental, and spiritual value. Beginning with Indigo Hills Blackland Prairie in Farmersville, we will provide opportunities for scientific and educational study, critical refuge and habitat for endangered grasslands birds, the monarch butterfly, other pollinators and native wildlife, provide seed banks for other prairie restoration efforts, plus opportunities for sustainable and responsible recreation.

Goal One: Preservation

Indigo Hills Prairie and Wildflower Preserve will be conserved, curated and cared for as an example of the blackland prairie, so that future generations may enjoy and experience this natural, original Texas ecosystem.

Goal Two: Education

Indigo Hills will also provide opportunities to educate the general public, including school children, college students, and the public at large, and, by providing access to researchers, advance the body of scientific knowledge regarding prairies and grasslands.

Goal Three: Recreation

Indigo Hills will provide responsible enjoyment and recreation to the public, so that all may enjoy and revel in the beauty of nature.

Our Board


  • Katie Courtright Wood — president

  • Matt White — vice president

  • Eric Zepp — secretary

  • Richard Bolgiano — treasurer

  • David Hurt

  • David Bezanson

  • Amy Martin

  • Robert Santaella


  • Steve Bolgiano

  • Donna Courtright